Our clients arrive and depart from Norman Wells or Fort Simpson NWT depending on their dates. Traveling to the NWT requires an overnight in Edmonton AB on your way up and home. We have a travel agent that will book your trip and assist you on your travel plan.
"Outfitting is our passion, our lifestyle, and our dream!"

Trophy Care
Our operation prides itself in top quality skinning and hide preparation. We will skin, flesh, and salt dry all hides for shipping or mounting with Dakota Taxidermy. Brian Kadermas has worked with our operation for several decades. His amazing taxidermy work and organization is of the highest standard.
Meat Care
Our operation prides itself in top quality meat care. All of your meat will be removed from the field and transported back to our basecamp. Our camps have walk-in coolers to keep all meat in the best condition possible. We understand that airline travel does not always allow you to take all of your meat. If you would prefer to take a cooler or two home we can assist you to cut, wrap and freeze your portions for your travels home. The remainder of the balance of meat is a very welcome donation to the community of the Mackenzie valley.

Jim & Nadine Lancaster
Home: 1-250-847-1855
Cell: 1-778-210-0262
Clay Lancaster
Cell: 1-250-263-7778